MagRS vibrating sample magnetometer option

VSM option
The MagRS VSM option brings cutting-edge levels of measurement performance to magnetic characterization. The system features ultra-high sensitivity (down to 15 nemu), wide dynamic range, faster field ramping (10,000 Oe/s), and rapid data acquisition (up to 10 ms/pt). A complete -2 T to +2 T hysteresis loop with 3,000 measurement points can be completed in about 30 s. Field setting resolution of 1 mOe is available across the entire measurement range and is especially helpful in regions where moment gradient ΔM is high. This fine resolution, combined with high sensitivity and fast measurement speed, makes the MagRS VSM ideal for first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements, which inherently involve very large data sets.
Existing 8600 customers can upgrade to all MagRS measurements

The standard for FORC measurements with integrated RTForc™ software
The MagRS VSM option was created with first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurement as a primary objective. FORC analysis is greatly enhanced by the high sensitivity of the vibrating sample magnetometer. FORC also benefits from increased data point density, and the VSM flies through complex FORC data collection sequences in a fraction of the time required on previous systems. In addition, the system includes Real-Time FORC (RTForc™) software, which enables fully automated FORC data acquisition using the 8600 software.
8600 software
- Standard suite of magnetic measurements
- Real-time FORC
- Colorized FORC
- Custom measurements (scripting)