MagRS electron transport measurement option

ETransport option coming soon
Using the M81-SSM, the ETransport option allows AC and DC transport measurements with the lowest possible source/measure noise. The system uses a central instrument with remote source and measure modules for the shortest possible signal path to the DUT, separating sensitive analog circuits from digital circuits and unwanted sources of interference typical of traditional instrument designs.
Typical applications
- Spin-orbit torque
- Differential conductance
- 3-terminal FET
- High-resistance
- Low-resistance
M81-SSM capabilities
- Source modes: DC, sine, triangle, square
- Source ranges: 1 pA to 100 mA
- Source frequency: 100 µHz to 100 kHz (square <5 kHz)
- Measurement limits: 10 V max
- Input impedance: ≥10 GΩ (differential)