MagRS ferromagnetic resonance measurement option

FMR option
The MagRS FMR measurement option enables you to easily use a NanOsc Instruments PhaseFMR or PhaseFMR-40 spectrometer with the 4 in or 7 in MagRS magnet systems for ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements. It provides hardware and software integration of NanOsc instruments and u-type CPW sample holder products in a room-temperature application.* With it installed, broadband 2 to 18 GHz (PhaseFMR) or 2 to 40 GHz (PhaseFMR-40) measurements in variable DC magnetic fields are possible. Maximum fields depend on the system and whether in-plane (IP) or out-of-plane (OOP) orientation is used.
* Does not include NanOsc CPW, Helmholtz coils, cables, and FMR instruments. These NanOsc room temperature FMR products are available from Quantum Design, our preferred source of NanOsc products
Measured and fitted data for Ni80Fe20 (10 nm)/Ta (5 nm) thin film as a function of IP field to 0.94 T at frequencies of 30, 32, 34, and 36 GHz (typical results)
CPW sample holder for NanOsc spectrometer integration