
SMU-10 source measure module

The First SMU Optimized for Nanoscale Devices

The source measure unit (SMU-10) is the latest module addition to the MeasureReady™ M81-SSM synchronous source measure system. It is designed to handle samples with exceptionally low source noise and high measurement sensitivity. The SMU-10 offers both DC and AC capabilities and an integrated lock-in, providing a comprehensive suite of measurements.

SMU-10 module

All-in-one precision tool

The SMU-10 integrates 6 instruments into a unified solution

DC currentDown to <100 fAUp to 100 mA
DC voltageDown to microvoltsUp to 10 V
AC currentSine (up to 100 kHz), triangle (up to 5 kHz), square (up to 5 kHz)
AC voltageSine (up to 100 kHz), triangle (up to 5 kHz), square (up to 5 kHz)
Lock-inDown to nanovoltsN/A
ResistanceMilliohms to 100 GΩ
Register for the Webinar: How to Measure High Resistance

Ultra-low noise I-V measurements with nanowatt precision
Increased measurement sensitivity by thermal and offset reduction through AC measurement capabilities 
Synchronous/simultaneous sourcing and measuring removes sampling misalignment—ideal for pulsed I-V testing
Taking quotes in January 2025

Download the SMU-10 datasheet

Ultra-low noise
DC & AC capabilities
Integrated lock-in

Three-terminal FET DC transfer curve

SMU-10-DC graph

SMU-10 characterization of FET spanning 10+ decades of current


When testing multi-terminal devices in a cryogenic probe station, use the M81-SSM with SMU-10 modules to apply voltage or current to the DUT and measure the corresponding current or voltage. The SMU’s topology reduces the number of probe arms by half, significantly minimizing thermal impact. Set compliance limits to protect the DUT from accidental overloads.

Advanced resistance

The M81-SSM’s advanced resistance mode compensates for phase shifts caused by parasitic capacitance, ensuring more accurate resistance measurements. This technique reduces errors significantly, improving measurement accuracy.

3 SMU-10s in-situ with probe station

Minimize thermal impact by using SMU-10 modules with a probe station. In this example, the orange wire is the source, the light blue wire is the drain, the dark blue wire is the gate, and the black wire is the ground.

Four-wire voltage monitoring

Ideal for high-current devices. The Sense-HI and Sense-LO leads enable 4-wire measurements for built-in device voltage monitoring while sourcing currents.

Synchronized sampling

Patented MeasureSync™ technology ensures perfect timing coordination for AC or DC measurements across multiple SMU-10 modules, eliminating data misalignment errors.

SMU-10 specifications

Specifications are subject to change


Ranges: 10 mV, 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V

Measure sensitivity: <3 nV1

Source noise (DC to 10 MHz): <0.2 mV RMS, <1.2 mV p-p (typical)


Ranges: 1 nA, 10 nA, 100 nA, 1 µA, 10 µA, 100 µA, 1 mA, 10 mA, 100 mA

Measure sensitivity: <1 fA1

DC output resistance: >10 TΩ (typical)

Source noise (DC to 10 MHz): <5 nA RMS, <25 nA p-p (typical)

Overvoltage protection: ±200 VDC

Maximum power: 1 W, 4-quadrant operation

Magnetic field exposure: Operational up to 50 mT DC

Size: 142 mm (5.58 in) W × 38.9 mm (1.53 in) H × 245 mm (9.63 in) L

1 10 s time constant, 24 dB roll-off


0.1 Hz to 10 Hz1 kHz0.1 Hz to 10 Hz1 kHz
10 mV250 nV RMS
(25 µV p-p)
30 nV/√Hz250 nV RMS
(25 µV p-p)
30 nV/√Hz
100 mV300 nV RMS
(2.75 µV p-p)
30 nV/√Hz300 nV RMS
(2.75 µV p-p)
30 nV/√Hz
1 V550 nV RMS
(1.5 µV p-p)
30 nV/√Hz550 nV RMS
(1.5 µV p-p)
40 nV/√Hz
10 V5 µV RMS
(1.25 µV p-p)
80 nV/√Hz5 µV RMS
(1.25 µV p-p)
180 nV/√Hz
1 nA100 fA RMS
(500 fA p-p)
6 fA/√Hz
(at 10 Hz)
15 fA RMS
(75 fA p-p)
6 fA/√Hz
(at 10 Hz)
10 nA100 fA RMS
(500 fA p-p)
20 fA/√Hz
(at 100 Hz)
45 fA RMS
(225 fA p-p)
20 fA/√H
(at 100 Hz)
100 nA300 fA RMS
(1.5 pA p-p)
60 fA/√Hz
(at 100 Hz)
175 fA RMS
(875 fA p-p)
60 fA/√Hz
at 100 Hz)
1 µA1 pA RMS
(5 pA p-p)
200 fA/√Hz1 pA RMS
(5 pA p-p)
200 fA/√Hz
10 µA5 pA RMS
(25 pA p-p)
1 pA/√Hz6 pA RMS
(30 pA p-p)
1 pA/√Hz
100 µA50 pA RMS
(250 pA p-p)
3 pA/√Hz60 pA RMS
(300 pA p-p)
2 pA/√Hz
1 mA500 pA RMS
(2.5 nA p-p)
30 pA/√Hz550 pA RMS
(2.75 nA p-p)
20 pA/√Hz
10 mA5 nA RMS
(25 nA p-p)
300 pA/√Hz5.5 nA RMS
(27.5 nA p-p)
200 pA/√Hz
100 mA50 nA RMS
(250 nA p-p)
3 nA/√Hz55 nA RMS
(1.375 µA p-p)
2 nA/√Hz


± (% rdg + offset)
± (% rdg + offset)
± (% rdg + offset)
± (% rdg + offset)
10 mV0.15% + 300 µV0.15% + 50 nV0.15% + 300 µV0.15% + 50 nV
100 mV0.1% + 300 µV0.1% + 500 nV0.1% + 300 µV0.1% + 500 nV
1 V0.05% + 600 µV0.05% + 5 µV0.05% + 600 µV0.05% + 5 µV
10 V0.05% + 2 mV0.05% + 50 µV0.05% + 2 mV0.05% + 50 µV
1 nA0.5% + 300 fA0.5% + 5 fA0.5% + 300 fA0.5% + 5 fA
10 nA0.1% + 300 fA0.1% + 50 fA0.1% + 300 fA0.1% + 50 fA
100 nA0.1% + 300 pA0.1% + 500 fA0.1% + 300 pA0.1% + 500 fA
1 µA0.1% + 300 pA0.1% + 5 pA0.1% + 300 pA0.1% + 5 pA
10 µA0.05% + 3 nA0.05% + 50 pA0.05% + 3 nA0.05% + 50 pA
100 µA0.05% + 30 nA0.05% + 500 pA0.05% + 30 nA0.05% + 500 pA
1 mA0.05% + 300 nA0.05% + 5 nA0.05% + 300 nA0.05% + 5 nA
10 mA0.05% + 3 µA0.05% + 50 nA0.05% + 3 µA0.05% + 50 nA
100 mA0.05% + 10 µA0.05% + 500 nA0.05% + 10 µA0.05% + 500 nA

2 Total system accuracy, 1 year and ±5 °C from Lake Shore calibration, 24 h and ±1 °C from self-calibration, 95% confidence
3 DC to 1 kHz or 10% of source range bandwidth, whichever is lower

Settable resolution

10 mV100 nV
100 mV1 µV
1 V10 µV
10 V100 µV
1 nA10 fA
10 nA100 fA
100 nA1 pA
1 µA10 pA
10 µA100 pA
100 µA1 nA
1 mA10 nA
10 mA100 nA
100 mA1 µA

Temperature coefficient

± (ppm rdg/°C + offset/°C)± (% rdg + offset)
10 mV25 ppm/°C + 5 µV/°C25 ppm/°C + 20 µV/°C
100 mV5 ppm/°C + 5 µV/°C10 ppm/°C + 20 µV/°C
1 V5 ppm/°C + 5 µV/°C6 ppm/°C + 20 µV/°C
10 V5 ppm/°C + 5 µV/°C6 ppm/°C + 100 µV/°C
1 nA5 ppm/°C + 2 pA/°C5 ppm/°C + 0.5 pA/°C
10 nA5 ppm/°C + 2 pA/°C5 ppm/°C + 0.5 pA/°C
100 nA5 ppm/°C + 2 pA/°C5 ppm/°C + 0.5 pA/°C
1 µA5 ppm/°C + 3 pA/°C5 ppm/°C + 1.5 pA/°C
10 µA2 ppm/°C + 10 pA/°C5 ppm/°C + 1 pA/°C
100 µA2 ppm/°C + 200 pA/°C2 ppm/°C + 1 pA/°C
1 mA2 ppm/°C + 500 pA/°C2 ppm/°C + 20 pA/°C
10 mA2 ppm/°C + 10 nA/°C2 ppm/°C + 5 nA/°C
100 mA2 ppm/°C + 100 nA/°C5 ppm/°C + 10 nA/°C

Impedance and bandwidth

 RangeImpedanceBandwidth (typical)
Output (source)Input (measure)SourceMeasure
10 mV0.6 Ω>100 GΩ (typical, remote sense)60 kHz60 kHz
100 mV
1 V
10 V
1 nA>10 TΩ100 kΩ100 Hz350 Hz
10 nA>1 TΩ10 kΩ500 Hz1.1 kHz
100 nA>100 GΩ1 kΩ1 kHz2 kHz
1 µA>10 GΩ100 Ω4 kHz10 kHz
10 µA>1 GΩ10 Ω10 kHz25 kHz
100 µA>100 MΩ1 Ω50 kHz65 kHz
1 mA>10 MΩ100 mΩ100 kHz>100 kHz
10 mA>1 MΩ20 mΩ100 kHz>100 kHz
100 mA>100 kΩ10 mΩ100 kHz>100 kHz