Parametric probe kits
Compatible with all stations except for the TTPX and CRX-6.5K when they have the high temperature option installed.
Contact us to talk about our parametric probing solutions

C-V measurement kit with parametric probes

What is included:
Wafer-level capacitance-voltage (or C-V) measurements assess a range of key semiconductor parameters. The Lake Shore C-V measurement kit enables temperature-dependent, wafer-level C-V measurements using a variety of instrumentation including LCR meters and auto-balancing, bridge-type C-V meters. The C-V measurement kit includes special dual-connector probes with specified tip configurations, cabling necessary to establish a shielded, two-terminal (S-2T) configuration, and a pair of triaxial to coaxial adapters.
The S-2T configuration ties together the shields of the two probes near the device inside the probe station. This creates an efficient current return path in the shield, minimizing errors associated with the cabling and increasing the overall accuracy of the capacitance measurement.
The special dual-connector probes for C-V measurements are drop-in replacements for standard Lake Shore ZN50R probes. After mounting the probe, the standard signal cables are first connected to the SMA jack of both probes then the shorting cable is connected to the SSMB jacks of the probes. When installing the shorting cable, the probe arm should be supported from below to avoid forcing the probe tip into the sample holder. To prevent probe damage when removing the shorting cable, a small flathead screw driver should be used to pry the shorting cable connectors from the probe jack.
Quasi-Kelvin measurement kit with parametric probes
What is included:
Four-point measurements (Kelvin connection) are typically carried out in a cryogenic probe station by using four separate probe arms and probes—with one pair of arms tied to a force circuit and the second pair to a sense circuit. With Lake Shore’s Quasi-Kelvin measurement kit, two connectors on each probe allow the force-sense connection to be configured using only two probe arms (limited to non-temperature sensor arms). In this way, the cable resistance is removed and low resistance measurements can be carried out even on devices with pads that can only accommodate a single probe.
This kit includes two sets of special dual-connector probes, cabling, and vacuum feedthroughs to adapt a second probe connection through the side port on each of two standard probe arms. The special dual-connector probes used in the Quasi-Kelvin kit are drop-in replacements for standard Lake Shore ZN50R probes. After mounting the probe blade, the standard signal cables are first connected to the SMA jack of both probes, then the second top-mounted cable is connected to the SSMB jacks of the probes. When installing the SSMB cable, the probe arm should be supported from below to avoid forcing the probe tip into the sample holder. To prevent probe damage when removing the SSMB cable, a small flathead screwdriver should be used to pry the SSMB connectors from the probe jack.